$399.00 USD

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Brow Color Theory & Correction Course

1 year access to the course

🌎Available world-wide

Certification & after class support!

You will benefit from taking this course if:

  • You have clients inquiring about correcting their brows
  • You want to gain confidence in pigment selection to provide clients with nice healed results
  • You want to learn color correction as a new added service

What you'll learn:

  • PART I COLOR THOERY - my 6 assessment factors on how to choose the right color(s) based off client's skin scenario, pigment undertones, reading the label, what modifiers are used for, organic & inorganic pigments, brown pigment theory, healed results using single colors / mixed colors / modifiers, my color suggestions for each Fitz
  • PART II - SKIN THEORY - Melanin (Pheomelanin vs Eumelanin), layers of the skin, proper depth, thick vs thin skin, mature skin
  • PART IiI - COLOR CORRECTION - intro to correction, color wheel, monochromatic colors, machine & needle choice, color swatches, correctors vs toners, correcting the shape, correction candidates, skin integrity, removal vs correction, how to correct blue/red/purple/green/rainbow brows, how to choose the right target color after color correcting, touch up session
  • PART IV - AFTER CORRECTION SKIN - choosing the right target color, understanding each layer of pigmentation, how not to over work the skin
  • TECHNIQUE ON BOARD - learn my shading techniques for seamless blending / cover up, saturation levels, color correcting hairstrokes, blending hairstrokes in to soft ombre powder
  • DEMO ON LATEX - color correcting red tattooed brows & blending with the virgin areas, color correcting hairstrokes & blending it into ombre powder, creating the soft fade from stiff microblading hairstrokes
  • LIVE DEMONSTRATION - Correcting red microblading & correcting gray/blue microblading

*Available option to upgrade to any in-person training at a discounted price.

The course includes video tutorials + downloadable PDF files for the most advantageous learning!

*Must be the age of 18 or older to purchase the course and have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.